Using the colour indigo to remember your soul purpose and
increase self-awareness.
"Purpose is that feeling that you are part of something bigger than yourself, that you are needed, and that you have something better ahead. Purpose is what creates true happiness.” - Mark Zuckerberg told Harvard's Class of 2017.
During this article you will learn how to hear and trust your inner voice so that you can remember what you are actually here to do on planet earth. By intending to live your true soul purpose it is essential to turn up the volume on your intuition. Remember that not everybody's purpose is to change the world so you may want to consider a modest mission.
This process helps to rebalance your third-eye chakra so that you can develop your self-awareness and start living the life of your dreams.
Remember the quote by Eckhart Tolle? He said "I’ve worked all my life on the subject of awareness, whether it’s awareness of the body, awareness of the mind, awareness of your emotions, awareness of your relationships, or awareness of your environment. I think the key to transforming your life is to be aware of who you are."
What is purpose?
Purpose means different things to different people. It could be as simple as making sure that your loved ones happy and safe. It may be larger, like contributing to world peace. It really is very different for everyone because we are all so unique. Your purpose may be be more self-focused, like succeeding in a corporate role or it could be more aligned with expressing your creativity.
The energy invested in meaning allows you to connect with your deeper purpose. The more you engage with living a meaningful life, not only will it develop over the years, it will also offer you a happy, healthy and fulfilling life.
1. Provides Meaning: Remembering your soul purpose creates a genuine sense of meaning in your life. When you understand what you are passionate about and you know that you are great at it, you can significantly contribute to the planet.
2. Offers A Sense Of Belonging: Discovering a sense of meaning to life gives you a sense of place in the world. When you have found your purpose, you will naturally resonate with certain environments and communities and feel a desire to connect with them.
3. Assists With Decision Making: Knowing your true purpose makes it easier to exercise choice on a daily basis. You know better whether a situation or person is compatible with your life because you understand where you are going.
4. Broadens Self-Awareness: By honouring your soul purpose you will get a clearer sense of who you are as you will understand the true essence at your core.
5. Simplifies Your Life: Reclaiming your purpose actually makes life easier. You automatically know what to focus on and what is unimportant. You spend less of your day embroiled in things that don’t really matter.
6. Positive Ripples: Living a life that is true to your purpose enables you to have a much greater impact on the world.
7. Generates Self-Confidence: You know that you are here for a reason and that your unique contribution benefits everyone. Be confident in the knowledge that you are unique and nobody can do it better than you.
Activate The Third-Eye Chakra To Develop Self-Awareness
Indigo is the colour of the third-eye chakra.
This mystical colour balances this energy centre which will enable you to improve your intuition and develop clairvoyance. The mind is your most powerful tool as it holds the memory of your wisdom. It helps to clarify your own truth by working profoundly on your mind to unlock the doors to other realms of existence.
The third-eye chakra also offers protection from life's 'energy stealers' and supports you through your spiritual emergence. It also improves memory, focus, vision, imagination, meditation and independent thought.
Indigo energy improves the function of your 6th energy centre which helps to develop self-awareness but may also assist with prejudice and judgmental tendencies.
Works on the eyes, brain, mind, nose, ears, nervous system, pituitary and pineal gland.
Signs of a blocked third-eye chakra can include:
Headaches, nightmares, hallucinations, delusions, difficulty concentrating, poor memory and vision or denial.
There are several ways to stimulate and rebalance this energy centre.
The easiest way to notice if your third-eye chakra is out of balance is when you feel lost when it comes to a sense of purpose and a path in life. This sense of being lost and without inner guidance can lead to becoming very stagnant in life purpose and life goals. When the energy centre of the third-eye becomes blocked, you may also begin to distrust your inner voice. Your perception about life and where you’re headed can become negatively impacted or totally unrecognisable. Unable to let go of the past and a fear of what the future holds makes you very rigid in your beliefs, daily routine and how you perceive others. It is likely that you are feeling stuck in the daily routine without being able to look beyond your problems and setting a new vision for yourself. The need for purpose is one the most essential characteristics of human beings. We crave purpose and can suffer serious psychological effects when we can not find it. Purpose is a core component of a living a fulfilling life.
5 Top Tips To Rebalance The Third-Eye Chakra
1. Use Vibrational Remedies:
Australian bush flowers such as the Bush Iris, Yellow Cowslip Orchid, Angelsword, Green Spider Orchid and Fringed Violet will work on rebalancing the third-eye chakra and will ultimately help you to gain clear and concise spiritual discernment.
Organic essential oils such as Frankincense , Rose, Clary Sage and Roman Chamomile are also perfect as they can either be diffused in an oil burner or vaporiser, sprayed into the aura in the form of a misting spray or gently rubbed onto certain trigger points on the skin.
2. Use Crystals:
Listed below are a selection of healing stones that are commonly used to open, balance and heal the third-eye chakra. These can be worn as jewellery or consumed as a gem elixir.
Lapis Lazuli - Rich Blue with Gold Speckles - Helps condition your energy to higher vibrations so you can increase your spiritual progress. Lapis also enhances your dream recall and helps you connect with your spirit guides.
Purple Fluorite - Purple - Used to stimulate and balance. This stone dispels negativity while promoting intuition and mental clarity and focus.
Amethyst - Purple - Used to open, stimulate, and balance. Amethyst is a healing stone that offers wisdom, healing, and protection from harm.
Labradorite - Indigo Blue/Green - A supportive stone of transformation that works with the third-eye to bring a greater, intuitive understanding of purposes to any struggles in ones life.
Blue Moonstone - Translucent Blue - Moonstone is a gentle awakener that will help you to accept your psychic abilities.
3. Use Sound Frequencies:
Many sounds seem to resonate the chakras. However, among the most popular are the use of vowels and the use of mantras. This use of vowels seem to be extremely effective in balancing the chakras. The vowel sound for throat activation is Aye.
The second method of resonating the chakras is to use the Bija Mantras, the Sanskrit letters from the Vedic traditions, which by themselves are said to balance and align the chakras. The Bija Mantra is Sham.
Another aspect of sonic chakra resonance has to do with the actual frequency or keynote of each chakra. There a multitudinous different keynotes and scales with regard to this.
Keynote A is aligned with this energy centre and has a frequency of 426.7 Hz.
4. Meditate:
Meditation is beneficial for almost anything in life, including helping you access intuition as we are able to bypass the cognitive mind and slip into an alpha brainwave state. By attempting to move away from over thinking and remaining in a more neutral, open state… we prepare ourselves to receive and accept intuitive information.
5. Surround yourself with the colour indigo
Another very simple method to rebalance the third-eye chakra is to wear indigo clothes or bathe in indigo light. This is especially beneficial if you do not have any 2's in your birth-date as you may need to activate your feminine , intuitive aspects.
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