Level 2 Numerology

This enlightening level 2 video course will further develop your knowledge and understanding of PYTHAGOREAN NUMEROLOGY.

Discover how your birth name reveals more insights into who you truly are and what you are here to do.

The course will provide you with practical guidance on how to interpret your own and other people Name Charts, Personality Colours and Pyramids, giving you greater awareness and appreciation of this fascinating subject.

The course will cover:

  •  Your 'Peak Years of Maturity', revealed by the Pyramids.
  • The Complete Name Number, Soul Urge Number & Outer Expression Number.
  • Your Personality Colour.
  • Analysing all elements of your Birth Chart and Name Chart.
  • Relationship Name Compatibilities.
  • More Colour Mirror Influences.

An assessment will be provided at the end of the course to consolidate your learning and if passed you will be awarded a 'Level 2 Certificate of Achievement' from the Dreemtime Academy.

 Happy learning!


50% Complete

Two Step

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